I trust you, I believe you

In a recent women’s healing night, I ran the healers through a healing on each other while Jane took the guests through a short meditation. I had the readers pick a partner and sit across form each other. One, the reader, sent a hello to that spirit sitting in the chair across from them. The first hello was vibrating at the energy of “I believe you”. Then they watched how that hello effected them. They did that a few times, watching the effect of each hello. Then they sent a new hello to that spirit sitting across from them filled with “I trust you” and watched the effect of that hello. It was amazing to watch the effect these 2 hellos had on these sensitive clairvoyant souls. Their bodies calmed down and they were able to be more present within themselves. That was this past Monday,

The following Wednesday morning I took my car in for an oil change. I chose this particular new car because i was told the service department was cleaning up it’s act. Once at the desk with the service writer, he said I was late bringing my car in. I was to come every 6,000 miles and it was 8,000 miles. I said I came when the sticker told me too. He headed over to the car to look at the sticker but it was no longer in the car. I took it down to make the appointment. I couldn’t believe he wanted me to prove what the sticker said. I was taken by surprise. I said I came then I was told. He said I was late. It was a stupid point, and quickly the emotions escalated. Him telling me no matter what my experience is the computer says I was wrong.  I became so overwhelmed with the emotion of not being heard, not being believed or trusted I just had to get out of there. Got to the parking lot and let out a primal scream.

Before this new car, I had a toyota. It had been in the lot a long time when I got it and even though brand new it staled in my driveway and I had to have the starter battery jumped by AAA. For a year I would tell the service tech at my oil change it was giving me a hard time starting and they would tell me it was fine. Finally I had David go in and tell them it wasn’t starting, exactly as I had for the past 12 months. and they immediately replaced the bad battery, no questions asked. I knew they just would never hear or believe me. “Well, did you put your foot on the break?” they asked every time.

This was not about the robot in the service department. This was about being believed. Being heard. It is a sensitive time. Women trusting they can tell their story and be believed, be heard. What made it easier for me to recover from this event was that my partner listened to me. He believed me. He didn’t have to fight for me or heal me. Just believe that I had this experience. That it was real to me. His listening to me and believing me let me let go and move forward. I believe you and I trust you is a powerful force.

End of the story, David picked up the car and the man apologized…..to David. Funny!